fredag 21 augusti 2009


Reklamation till santa maria...bröd med bäst före datum 31-10-2009 man ska alltid tala om när man är missnöjd! Får vi se hur dom tar hand om detta.

3 kommentarer:

  1. eeewwwww.... det där såg ju inte så gott ut.... :-(

  2. Jo så nu ska vi skicka in påsen (utan bröd) till santa Maria och sen ska vi få en ersätning...forts. följer!

  3. They dont have any conservatives in their soft tortillas and so once the packet is opened, they go bad very quickly. However if they were bad when you opened them, you must send the packet in too, as they have packets complete from every production day stored in batches and will not be able to identify the product without the packaging. This is their cross check method to make sure of genuine claims
